Room Board

Here is a client room board I did recently for a family room.

Shelly - Room Board 2

The client requested four ottomans for her "coffee table" that she could then use as seating when she entertained. What a great idea eh?


I need a floor pouf. Well I want a floor pouf; because I don't think anyone really needs a floor pouf. Also, I just like saying pouf.

Pouf #1
Pouf #2
Pouf #3
Pouf #4

Urban Outfitters Print Shop

Was clicking around on Urban today and discovered they have a new section called the Print Shop. They've teamed up with an artist community called Society6.

From the website:
"Society6 is an International artist community representing more than 70 countries worldwide. We will continuously comb through their enormous archives to bring you this curated collection of our favorites. Any items ordered from the PRINT SHOP will be processed and shipped by Society6."

Pretty good prices for unique artwork, ranging from $25 to $55 depending on the size. Here are some of my faves.

The Elephant

Coney Island Beach

Flower Burst




Flower Boat

And last but certainly not least:

Meow and Meow

DIY Halloween Decor

I put up my Halloween decorations last weekend, and I'm itching to add some more. Here are a few DIY projects I've gathered from around the net. Don't you love when old people call it "the net"? Silly old people and their AOL accounts.



CLX100110_050 CLX
Friendly ghosts, black and white pumpkins, and spider cut-outs from Country Living

Candy Corn Wreath from Woman's Day

Rhinestone pumpkins from Good Housekeeping

Trick or Treat banner from The Crafting Chicks


Here are some random things I've got my eye on.

Liking these headboard ideas from Sunset Magazine. Especially that trellis mirror, seems like it could be a DIY project. Maybe with some wooden garden trellis from Home Depot and a big mirror? Or paint a mirror with a trellis stencil?


Loving this oversized horse photo. Thinking about getting a photo enlarged at Kinkos, cutting it in thirds, and framing it in IKEA frames for the same look.
horse poster
via Decorpad

Love the idea of simple floating shelves hung above a toilet.
bathroom shelves
via Decorpad

Desk Top Redo

I've started to spruce up my guest room. I decided when decorating this room, to limit myself to only using the things I already have. More details on that challenge later when I post my finished (and free!) guest room, but for now here's one of the projects I did for the room.

Remember, I'm not using anything I don't already own. The problem was I needed some large scale art, and didn't have any. So instead, I pulled out this IKEA desk that has been collecting dust for awhile.

10-7 019

First, I unscrewed the legs leaving only the table top - which was going to be my "canvas". Next I printed out several butterflies from the free images available at

butter1 butter2 butter3

I printed out the butterflies in various sizes on regular ol' printer paper and cut them out. I adhered the butterflies to the desk top using Mod Podge. Then I simply attached wire to the back of the desk top and hung. Free art!

10-7 023

10-7 022

Octopus Decor

What is the plural form of octopus? Octopuses? Octopi?

Shower curtain

Salad Plate


Shelf decor



Glass octopus

Family Circle

No new posts for over a week!? Who's running this blog anyway?

My co-worker gave me a magazine today that I've never read, Family Circle. Well turns out they have some great design articles.

I grabbed these colorful images off their website.

Family Circle

Family Circle

Family Circle

Family Circle

Family Circle

Family Circle

Family Circle

Family Circle

Family Circle


My next post is up over at I Heart Mesa featuring local Craigslist finds!

I almost snatched this chair up for myself, it's screaming to be painted and recovered. The swirl detail is killing me.

Bad Blogger

Have you ever had that feeling of being so over-inspired that you're actually left under-inspired? Makes no sense? Well sometimes it's like there is so much great decor stuff out there in the blog world that I feel drained and over-stimulated just from looking at what everyone else is posting, and then I've got no juice left to post on my own blog. Plus, I've been busy. That Halloween candy wasn't going to eat itself.

Enough crazy talk. I'll try to be a better blogger. And if you've e-mailed me and I haven't written back, I'm sorry; I promise to respond soon.

For now, let's look at french doors. Because I have an ugly sliding glass door and I've been dreaming of shattering it with a sledge hammer and replacing it with beautiful french doors.







All photos via Decorpad

Closet Love

As I've mentioned a few times on this blog, I love closet organization. I love organizing my own closets, I love organizing other people's closets, and most of all I love looking at pictures of organized closets; it soothes me.

So I'll be sharing my pretty closet finds with you every once in awhile. Here's today's Closet Love.

blair closet
via here